The Nerd must know all to link a one year old post about Huell Howser after a weekend Huell and I ran into each other three times. First was at the El Vez Concert
where Huell got a shout-out before I actually saw him. Then later that
evening he was mingling at the closing night reception for osseus labyrint at the Rosslyn. The next day, there he was in Little Tokyo riding in the Grand Parade. Eerie timing there, Nerd.
Huell's "Downtown"
has been running for a year now so its no surprise I see him doing field research, visiting the Arts District, or just taking in Downtown. It's good with me. Now I get to post some pics of Huell in action over the weekend of August 19, 2007. Above is Huell Howser in Little Tokyo.
After the jump, Howser jumps into a crowd of fans to say hello, then with performance artists of osseuslabyrint.
Downtown with Huell Howser with YouTube of the Eastern Columbia Building [ Huell Howser Productions]