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LA City Nerd

Thanks for the flattery, you Arts District Loft Nerd you! Check this out:

Memo Pisa el Lodo


I couldn't comment on your old one. Congrads on the move.


Thanks Nerd! It was good to start it with an intro by you as the bugs are worked out here.

Memo - That's one reason I switched over. Dangerous Curve wanted to comment a few times, but it was too complicated to sign up on 360. Good thing he told me in person. For the longest time, I just though no comments were attempted. I almost changed the website to TalkingToaWall.com

Memo Pisa el Lodo

Oh man I have so been dying to tell you but um... just didn't have the audacity to until after the fact when it was safe to say. ;)

You'll be getting a lot of comments now. At least from me. I have been wanting to comment on most of your posts.

I'd be surprised if I was the only person with the same sentiments.

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